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Preservation Rhinoplasty: When Is It Right for Your Cosmetic Enhancement?

Facial Enhancement

July 31, 2023 | 4 minute read

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The nose is one of the most common areas of the body for women and men to correct with cosmetic surgery. Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that helps patients achieve the facial appearance they have always wanted, significantly improving their confidence and comfort. 

Now, it is better than ever to undergo rhinoplasty, as new techniques (such as preservation rhinoplasty) are being used to ensure the best results possible.

What Is the Purpose of Cosmetic Surgery?

Women and men undergo cosmetic procedures for various reasons; however, the ultimate goal of aesthetic plastic surgery is to create natural-looking results (whether the face, body, or breasts) in order to improve the psycho-physical health, well-being and self-confidence of those individuals that decide to go through surgery.

Dr. Bravo is dedicated to creating noticeable aesthetic changes that feel and look like no cosmetic work has been done. With the nose, this often means having a preservation rhinoplasty performed.

What Is Preservation Rhinoplasty?

While the specific technique used depends on the type of correction needed, traditional rhinoplasty often involves removing significant bone and cartilage to shape the nose. 

While this technique allows the cosmetic surgeon to restructure and manipulate the nose to create a different and often more pleasant appearance, many patients find that their results look and feel fake. 

However, preservation rhinoplasty focuses on maintaining intact the essential ligaments, cartilages and bones that provide support and structure to your nose, allowing for a more reliable and natural long-term result, while still noticeably improving its aesthetic appearance.

This technique avoids the typical “operated-look” problems such as alar-notching, pinch nose, pollybeak and inverted V deformities, that are often the consequence of employing more conventional, fast and simple rhinoplasty techniques.

For instance, when addressing concerns like bumps or humps on the nasal bridge, traditional rhinoplasty will remove bone and underlying tissue directly from the top of the bridge. With preservation rhinoplasty, Dr. Bravo will reduce bone and cartilage deep in the nose, keeping the outer nasal structure intact while at the same time straightening the dorsum.

Preservation rhinoplasty represents the next level of modern plastic surgery results. Not only do the results look beautiful, but they tip of the nose feels natural and moves and bends just as your tissue would, avoiding a stiff unnatural nasal tip, which may occur after conventional open structure rhinoplasty techniques.

Closed Preservation Ultrasonic (CPU) Rhinoplasty

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty employs a modern piezoelectric vibrating device to manage the bony framework of the nose while respecting the soft tissues and mucosa, allowing for added precision, less postoperative swelling and bruising and faster recovery times. Dr. Bravo is one of the few surgeons in the world offering this advanced rhinoplasty technique through a closed preservation approach, avoiding the need to place an incision in the columella and achieving a scarless rhinoplasty.

Am I a Candidate for Preservation Rhinoplasty?

Since the nose is literally and figuratively central to the face, rhinoplasty surgery can transform your entire facial aesthetic, helping you look how you’ve always wanted. 

While preservation rhinoplasty is an excellent choice for many patients, certain conditions require a different rhinoplasty approach. Specifically, if the nasal deformity is structurally complex or there has been a previous rhinoplasty performed, an open structure rhinoplasty may be the better option. Additionally, if you have thick skin and/or soft cartilage, preservation rhinoplasty may not be the best choice for your nose surgery.

At your consultation, Dr. Bravo will examine your nose to determine which technique is ultimately right for you and your results.

What Cosmetic Issues Can Rhinoplasty Correct?

Rhinoplasty can correct various deformities and concerns with the nose, including:

  • A crooked nose 
  • A nasal hump
  • An upturned or downturned nasal tip
  • A nose that is too large for the face
  • A wide nose

In addition to rhinoplasty, Dr. Bravo offers rhinoseptoplasty, which is a nose procedure that reconstructs the nasal bridge to help improve breathing difficulties often caused by a deviated septum.

Want to Learn More? 

Dr. Gómez Bravo looks forward to helping his patients look and feel their very best. He serves women and men from and around Madrid, Spain and also welcomes patients from all the world.

If you are interested in preservation rhinoplasty or any other facial cosmetic procedures Dr. Bravo offers, please call us by calling 91 575 60 60 or by using our online contact page.

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